We were supposed to get a big storm yesterday… everything was cancelled…. but our 10-15 cms of snow only amounted to a few inches in the end with lots of freezing rain. I was excited at the prospect of actually HAVING some snow this winter that didn’t end up getting washed away by rain the very next day but again luck wasn’t going to go my way.
Freezing rain however is better than rain… at least for sliding!
As you can see the dogs love to get in on the action too.
Poor Molly couldn’t get the brakes on fast enough, the ice was playing havoc with her back legs.
Then of course there is the chase!
I can remember growing up we had farmers fields behind our house with an access road that ran into them from our driveway, now this is teen years I’m talking so it was when we lived here in Canada. When everything was iced over and hard we used to zing down that road on crazy carpets with not a fear in the world. We would be out there for hours at a time surfing, going down head first and of course making jumps. It’s a wonder I still have all my bones in tack not to mention my teeth.
T of course picked up on the love for sliding right away. Sliding down and then gun hoe to get right back up that hill and slide again.
5 or so more inches of snow wouldn’t go a miss and would help out our efforts when trying to avoid running into tree’s and large rocks!
It’s also a little hard to get stopped right now digging your heels into the ice.
Nevertheless it was a great way to spend the morning with my two favourite people!
Our driveway is a complete sheet of ice right now, we could easily skate on it.
We have before