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Catch Up | Celtic Cast On

Sorry its been so quiet around here. We are knee deep in renovations….. spur of the moment renovations at that. For a long time we’ve been talking about splitting our bedroom, which is the length of the house into two. We definitely don’t use the extra space and it could be put to better use as a spare room. So yesterday we got started! Of course the only way to reno on… Read More »Catch Up | Celtic Cast On

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Surefire | Celtic Cast On

I better get this one in before we’re into 2013. The other gift I knit this year was Surefire Hat by Susan B Anderson. This was for a friend that is finding it rather chilly when walking her dog *a shepherd I must add* ( totally off topic T can pick a shepherd out anywhere and I often hear “Mummy did you see that shepherd, that was a shepherd mummy!”… Read More »Surefire | Celtic Cast On

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Eastern Winter Shawl | Celtic Cast On

I don’t usually knit christmas gifts, in fact the whole gift giving has been scaled down to just the children in our family. We do however have two very special people that have been very good to our little family and I wanted to make them something special. I knew right away I wanted to make the first recipient a shawl. She is the shawl wearing type and she knits… Read More »Eastern Winter Shawl | Celtic Cast On

Addiesma Designs | Celtic Cast On

You all know I have my favourite designers and I tend to frequent their patterns a lot because I love the way their patterns are written, the style of the knits and wanting to have one in my wardrobe as well. Sara Gresbach, known as Addiesma Designs has been on my radar for quite some time now. This sweet mama of two learned to knit from her mum, grammyjoan, who… Read More »Addiesma Designs | Celtic Cast On