I have unsuccessfully tried to garden before…. mind you it wasn’t really a garden. We tried to plant pumpkins and corn *I think* in a pile of rocks…. really it was a terrible place to put a garden at our first house. Live and learn I guess.
I decided this year was going to be the year, and I was going to do it RIGHT!
First I decided where I was going to put my garden.
This spot was close to the house were I can keep an eye on it and hopefully avoid critters getting into it.
It needed some leveling off but Moose and I were able to fix that in a jiffy.
Boston preferred to dig up our work as we went….
T and I started seeds inside to get a head start. I planted in intervals so we would hopefully have a good crop throughout summer. My seeds grew sooo fast that I had to replant into bigger pots several times. Before I knew it my entire kitchen table was covered with plants growing like wild fire. It got so bad that I covered T’s play table too and I still didn’t have the beds ready to plant.
Unfortunately power tools and toddlers just don’t mix so once Moose had some time I got him to make me some beds. I wanted to do raised beds inspired by Ginny’s lovely garden
I’m starting off small this year. If things go well and I actually get some plants out of this then I’ll expand next year. For now I have two long beds for sprawling crops such as watermelon and pumpkin, two smaller beds in the middle, one for peas and one for carrots. The remaining two will be for climbing beans which need trellis’s so I put them closest to the house.
The weather has been cold and full of rain the last several weeks. I have the fire on and its almost June…. what’s wrong with this picture?? Its perfect weather to bring out the black flies…… oh how I wish they didn’t exist!! I had to plant most of my garden at night because they tried to carry me away during the day.
Don’t you love that watering can?? T bought it for me for Mother’s Day and it ROCKS!!
Pray for my little garden to grow grow grow!!