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It only seems fitting that this next package from Monika, Biko and Happy arrived just before Socktoberfest got underway.

Tadpole’s first pair of socks!!!

How incredibly adorable are these socks???

I love the garter stitch detail, so unique, I’ve never come across a pattern for baby socks that is this cute. I may have to give this pattern a go and make another pair for Tad.

Love  that the package was addressed to “My name and Moose!” heheh

I laughed sooo hard when I pulled out this card…

For those of you that haven’t been reading all that long, Moose calls me Donkey and obvious I call him Moose. This card was just too perfect,  love it when someone GETS me!

Monika chose the cutest fabrics, for these wonderful handmade, double sided bibs.  I couldn’t figure a way to get both sides in the shot so you’ll just have to believe me, they are awesome.

She also made two wonderful, again double sided burp cloths to complete this wonderful package. I’d hadn’t  heard of a burp cloth until just recently but now I can definitely see how useful they are going to be.

Thank you so much Monika everything is sooo fabulous.

I appreciate the time you took to make and tailor everything to suit my personality!